I am not just a blogger putting ideas out into the ether of the interwebs (not that there is anything wrong with that, per se). Instead, I seek to be in extended conversations, to engage with people who have deeper questions and ideas about spirituality, ethics, and what it means to be human. Here’s what I think is important and what makes my work different:
Gender-inclusive language for god
To me, God is male, God is female, God is neither. As a feminist theologian and activist for LGBTQI inclusivity, it is important for me to make space for the feminine, as well as masculine, characteristics of God without assigning a gender identity. God-talk is difficult enough as it is without muddying it up with gendered pronouns and social constructs.
G.K. Chesterton wrote in his collection of essays, All Things Considered (1908), that “it is the test of a good religion whether you can joke about it.” Humor and irreverence are spiritual values for me, and being unable to find the humor in scripture, or to laugh – whether it’s a belly laugh or satire – at religion, church, and the ways we as humans try to relate to God and each other is a good test as to what we’ve perhaps made into idols.
honesty & independence
I have no formal denominational ties, and, therefore, I answer to no one and can speak and write without having to tow a ‘party line.’ As such, I have no agenda other than seeing the world become a better place for everyone. Also, you may occasionally see colorful language used. I think the occasional use of expletives can be holy; so while I certainly self-moderate, I do not self-censor.
I don’t seek to know all the answers, but asking the questions is still important. Certainty is often an illusion and I find I’m a kinder, gentler person when I embrace the not-knowing. I think curiosity (rather than cleanliness) is next to godliness, and doubt is essential for healthy curiosity.